LPOF is looking forward to the first concert of this year’s festival, in collaboration with St. Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, and Limerick Sinfonia:



This concert will showcase wonderful local classical musicians, and is also a celebration by Limerick’s classical music community of the 850th anniversary of St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Limerick Sinfonia is a fairly new orchestra to the region in that it was founded in 2014, and gave its first concert as part of the Limerick City of Culture celebrations that year. The orchestra aims to give an opportunity to up and coming musicians from Limerick and the surrounding area, together with established local orchestral players, to take part in orchestral music making at a professional level. The orchestra has its origins in the Limerick School of Music, and two of its original founding ‘leading lights’, Stuart O’Sullivan and John Davis, are closely involved in this upcoming project – Stuart as piano soloist and John as conductor.

We are very grateful to the School’s Principal, David O’Connell and Deputy Principal Cecilia Madden for their support and encouragement in taking this project forward.

John and Stuart will be performing Beethoven’s 3rd Piano Concerto in C minor with the orchestra. In addition, John and the orchestra are performing Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture.

Given the strong and ever growing tradition of classical choral music and singing in Limerick, and the cathedral’s own choral tradition dating back many centuries, we were keen also to include a major choral work in the concert programme for 21st April.

We chose one of Haydn’s late great masses, written when he was in his mid-60’s – the Mass in Time of War (Paukenmesse). We are joined by a team of soloists who between them celebrate local, national and international acclaim. The chorus is made up of celebrated Limerick chamber choir Ancór and St Mary’s Cathedral Choir. We are very grateful to the members of Ancór, and their musical director Cecilia Madden for taking part in the project. Without their commitment and input the choral element of the programme could not have been put together so successfully.

This concert is part of a year-long series of diverse events – religious, musical, historical, and community – to celebrate the 850th anniversary of St. Mary’s Cathedral. These events are being devised and curated by St. Mary’s Cathedral’s new Dean, the Very Revd. Niall Sloane.

This concert has been made possible by the generous support from the Limerick City and County Council Festival and Events Scheme, and also the support of the Limerick School of Music, the cathedral itself and in association with the Limerick Pipe Organ Festival.

Essentially what we have here is some major musical masterpieces guaranteed to thrill and delight any listener, from beginners to cognoscenti!

This music by Beethoven and Haydn is full of energy, surprise and imagination, taking the interested and engaged listener on a wonderful journey, from music that is imposing and sombre to music brimming with effervescence and joy.

You will be very sorry if you miss this concert!


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